Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why be a Guru, when you can be a DIVA! A Web Diva that is ...

Greetings all you nerds, nerds with swag, urban geeks, geek chix, etc! My first order of business as I start this blog is to coin a new term ... start a new trend so to speak. I'm going to give you the formal definition of a Web Diva.

Web Diva: a woman of rare, outstanding talent in the world of Internet technology. She is a recognized leader in some field or of some movement; She isn't your average geeky chick because she has style and swag. She magically balances the geek side of herself with her inner Prima Donna.

Do you know her? Have you seen her? Sure you have .. she's that one sista' that may you see at the clubs, has an active social life, a killer wardrobe and a mean shoe game. Oh and she keeps her hair tight.

...and if you've ever said anything to her at all, it most likely was ..."How do I fix my computer?"

Ive come up with term for all of us out there who don't subscribe to the traditional images of what a female nerd may look like. Exhibit A:

For those of us who care just as much about the latest styles and hair trends just as much as we care about the latest architectural pattern used in software engineering. You know?!? We like to balance things out. The best of both worlds!! I mean just because I have two degrees in Computer Science and Math, must I look like Ugly Betty?

I prefer to look exactly how I feel on the inside FAB-U-LOUS!

So if you can relate to being a Web Diva, I need you to let the computing community know there is a new "Title" in town!